Home Survey Level 3

A level three survey is more thorough and detailed than then others and will address matters such as the materials used for each part of the building, defects and remedial options as well as issues related to the future maintenance of the property. Concealed areas normally opened or used by the occupiers are inspected if it is safe to do so.
Although services are not tested, they are observed in normal operation. This level of service is for clients who are seeking a professional opinion based on a detailed assessment of the property.

Scope of Service

Mensura Ltd provide a Report benchmarked against the RICS Home Survey Standard Level Three.  This Report includes inspection of the following elements:
1.     Windows:  Inspection includes opening of windows only where permission has been given, any keys/ locks are available, and it is safe to do so.
2.     Roof Space:  Visual inspection of roof space that is not more than 3m above floor.  The roof space will be entered, and visually inspected attention shall be paid to vulnerable and deteriorated sections, thermal insulation shall not be moved but small corners will be lifted and thickness and type inspected.
3.     Floors:  Inspection of surfaces of exposed floors undertaken but corners of carpet and other covering swill be lifted. All floors shall be tested for excessive deflection by a ‘heel-drop’ test.  Where floors have unfixed access hatches/panels or floorboards, these will be inspected by an inverted ‘head and shoulders’ inspection.
4.     Inspection chambers and underground drainage:  Inspection chamber covers to drains or septic tanks will be lifted and visually inspected.
5.     Other services:  No comment provided on design calculations.  Testing of service installations or appliances is excluded. 
6.     Grounds:  Visual inspection of the grounds and boundaries, thorough inspection of the grounds.

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